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도서명The Secrets and Evolving Trends of Korean Longevity
저자Kwangsung Park 외 22
발행일2023-11-23 판형신국판 / PDF
ISBN종이책 978-89-6849-990-6(93510), 전자책 978-89-6849-991-3(95510)
페이지282 정가20,000원
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The Secrets and Evolving Trends of Korean Longevity
Welcome to "The Secrets and Evolving Trends of Korean Longevity," the inaugural English edition of the "Korean Centenarian Study." This book unfolds in five enlightening sections, offering a comprehensive view of changing longevity patterns during the last two decades in Korea, a phenomenon intricately woven into the country's cultural and social fabric.
Part 1, "Blue Zones and Korean Centenarians," explores regions around the globe known for high life expectancies and introduces Korea's longevity belts. It delves into the "GuGokSunDam Longevity Belt" and discusses the world's most rapid aging of South Korea's population. The section analyzes the prevalent diseases in older adults, highlighting the intricate relationship between health and aging.
Part 2 introduces the changing family structures in South Korea and the state of elderly social welfare during the last two decades. This section presents findings from centenarian studies that shed light on societal changes impacting their lives. It addresses the challenges within welfare systems and introduces the trend of gerotranscendence in Korean oldest adults, aiming to influence future policy and program development.
Part 3 offers a meticulous examination of the health and lifestyle changes of Korean centenarians over seven comprehensive chapters. It features a detailed view of the GuGokSunDam region and compares nearly two decades of health data. Additionally, this section discusses the evolution in lifestyle due to Korea's economic growth, changes in dietary habits, the secrets of the centenarian immune system, and their unique genetic characteristics.
Part 4 provides an intimate glimpse into the lives of centenarians from the GuGokSunDam region. It contrasts insights from interviews conducted 20 years apart, highlighting the daily realities and resilience of these longevity champions.
Part 5 contemplates the future of a society blessed with longevity. Reflecting on the lessons from the COVID-19 crisis, it discusses the vulnerability of older populations and the remarkable resilience of centenarians. This final section highlights the potential of the older generation in the face of societal shifts, advocating for a future where age is celebrated.
Embark on a journey with this book as it unravels the many facets of longevity in Korea, particularly the changing lifestyle patterns in accordance with societal reformation over the last two decades. Join us in exploring a world where age is just a number, but the stories and insights are indeed timeless.
도서소개 인쇄하기
Lists of Contributors / 5

Why and How Does Korean Longevity Increase? / Sang Chul Park / 7

Secrets and Changes in Korean Longevity / Kwangsung Park, Jae-Young Han, Jeonghwa Lee and Sang Chul Park / 13

Part Ⅰ Blue Zones and Korean Centenarians
Chapter 01
History of Korean Centenarian Study Background of Korean Longevity Belt Designation / Sang Chul Park / 23
Chapter 02
Trends in Aging of the Population in South Korea / Min Ho Shin / 29
Chapter 03
Trends of Disease Patterns in Older Adults / Min-gu Kang / 49
Chapter 04
Changes in the Care and Family Systems of Korean Centenarians / Jeonghwa Lee / 69
Chapter 05
Changes in the Social Welfare System for Older Adults in Korea / Kichae Min / 85
Chapter 06
Gerotranscendence of Korean Centenarians / Minjeong An / 101
Chapter 07
Physical and Mental Health Status of Korean Centenarians / Kwangsung Park and Min Jhon / 125
Chapter 08
Insights into the Visual Function of Korean Centenarians / Jonghwa Kim and Kyung Chul Yoon / 137
Chapter 09
The Auditory Function of Korean Centenarians / Sungsu Lee and Hyong-Ho Cho / 147
Chapter 10
Lifestyle Changes of Korean Centenarians / Ki-Hong Kim and Jae-Young Han / 161
Chapter 11
Diets of Korean Centenarians / Clara Yongjoo Park / 177
Chapter 12
The Immunity of Centenarians the Secret to Maintaining a Healthy Llife and Surviving COVID-19 / Kyung A Cho / 199
Chapter 13
Genetics of Korean Centenarians / Sung Sun Kim / 219
Chapter 14
Special Cases of Centenarians in the GuGokSunDam Longevity Belt / Sang Chul Park, Kwangsung Park and Jeonghwa Lee / 231
Chapter 15
A Special Case of the Medically Privileged Semisupercentenarian / Jeong Gwan Cho / 247
Chapter 16
Lessons from COVID-19 Crisis for New Normal in Future / Sang Chul Park / 257
Chapter 17
Is there a Country for Old Men? / Jung Jae Lee / 273

For a Better Future with a Longer Lifespan / Sang Chul Park, Jeonghwa Lee and Kwangsung Park / 279