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도서명American Society and Popular Culture(미국사회와 대중문화)
저자Robert Grotjohn
발행일2017-06-30 판형신국판
ISBN978-89-6849-413-0 (93300)
페이지222 정가12,000원
네티즌평가 |
(총 0 명 참여)   도서정보 인쇄하기 788

  In this book, students build from an examination of various U.S. American beliefs, values, and myths, applying those concepts to representative instances of U.S. popular culture such as popular music, sports, and movies. Students are also asked to consider U.S. popular culture in a global context, to take pleasure in critical analysis of particular instances of pop culture production, and to consider how pop culture might impact their own lives and social milieu, both positively and negatively.
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1. Who Is an American? / 15
2. Why Study Pop Culture? / 26
3. Diversity in Action: Korean Americans / 37
4. The Idea of America / 48
5. American Ideas / 53
6. American Exceptionalism, Manifest Destiny / 63
7. Sports in America-Ⅰ / 74
8. Sports in America-Ⅱ / 84
9. Sports in America-Ⅲ / 101
10. Images of Women in American Popular Culture / 111
11. Images of Men in American Popular Culture / 127
12. Images of Gender Difference in American Popular Culture / 141
13. Holidays in America / 150
14. Music and Society-an Introduction / 160
15. Music and Society-the 50s / 169
16. Music and Society-the 60s / 181
17. Music and Society-the 70s, 80s, and 90s to the Present / 193
18. The Movies and American Popular Culture / 210
19. Re-Imagining American Exceptionalism in the Movies-Avatar / 215
20. The Past in the Present in the Movies-The Great Gatsby / 218