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도서명Challenging Cases of Cardiovascular Intervention of the Month
저자정명호 외 8인
발행일2014-06-01 판형4×6배판
ISBN978-89-6849-110-8 (93510)
페이지460 정가15,000원
네티즌평가 |
(총 0 명 참여)   도서정보 인쇄하기 745

  The number of patients undergoing cardiovascular angiography and intervention has been increased rapidly in Korea. We have presented our interesting cases of cardiovascular angiography and intervention every month at the homepage of Korean Circulation Society (www.circulation.or.kr) since 2001. This is the eighth revised edition after the first publication in May 2005. We hope these interesting cases of cardiovascular intervention and imaging will be helpful for medical students, nurses, technicians, residents of internal medicine, cardiology fellows and young cardiologists in their clinical practice and patient care.

도서소개 인쇄하기

CASE 1. (May, 2014) / 5
CASE 6. (December, 2013) / 26
CASE 18. (December, 2012) / 73
CASE 30. (December, 2011) / 116
CASE 42. (December, 2010) / 165
CASE 54. (December, 2009) / 213
CASE 66. (December, 2008) / 256
CASE 78. (December, 2007) / 302
CASE 90. (December, 2006) / 343
CASE 102. (December, 2005) / 373
CASE 113. (December, 2004) / 404
CASE 123. (December, 2003) / 429
CASE 132. (October, 2002) / 449
CASE 135. (December, 2001) / 458