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도서명Representing the Cultural 'Other'
저자Hyup Choi
발행일2013-08-26 판형신국판
ISBN978-89-6849-043-9 (93300)
페이지454 정가20,000원
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  Japan has a long history of studying the Korean peninsula. Much of the studies done before 1945 were carried out in connection with Japan's colonial expansion. The Japanese imperial power used anthropology for controlling Korea. Following the Second World War, the academic climate of Japan has changed. Since 1945, a new breed of anthropologists has been educated, and they have produced diverse and numerous anthropological studies concerning Korean culture and society. However, these numerous studies have never been the subject of systematic examination. Therefore, there is a critical need for research to examine these materials. The present book is a small step forward to deal with such research needs.
  This book offers a critical examination and evaluation of Japanese anthropological writings on Korea. To achieve this goal, Prof. Hyup Choi organized six-member study group representing Korea and Japan, and this volume contains the works of those anthropologists who participated in this study group. The result includes five articles and an extensive bibliography of Japanese works on Korea.
  In theoretical terms, the present book will shed some light on the relationship of ethnographic representation to political and historical context, which has been one of the major heated issues in the field of anthropology since 1990s.

도서소개 인쇄하기
Preface / 004

Japanese Colonial Context in the Early Making of Korean Anthropology __ Hyup Choi / 009
Anthropology of Colonialism and War under Imperial Japan __ Kyung-soo Chun / 027
Japanese Mode of Anthropological Study on Korea __ Abito Itoh / 119
The Genealogy of Ethnographic Surveys on Korea:
A Retrospective Examination of Suzuki Eitaro's Chosen Noson Shakai Tosaki __ Hiroshi Honda / 132
Korean Society as seen from the Japanese Perspective:
A Thorough Analysis of Books Published in Japan __ Toshio Asakura / 165

Bibliography: Japanese Studies on Korea __ Seiichi Matsumoto / 201

Index / 448